Set up cPanel email accounts

1. Using cPanel

cPanel lets you create email addresses at the domains on your Linux Hosting account.

  1. Log in to cPanel:
    • Browse to, where myDomainName is your domain and its suffix, like You'll need your cPanel login and Password.
  2. In the Email section, click Accounts.
  3. Click Create Account.
  4. Complete the on-screen fields, and then click Create Account.

     Note: Your Mailbox Quota counts toward your account's Disk Space and File count usage.

1. Using Account Portal

Our Portal is alternative way lets you create email addresses at the domains on your Linux Hosting account.

  1. Go to your Cloudonhost Client Portal,
  2. Click on Services block on the Account Dashboard, then click on the hosting plan which you need to create email account.
  3. On the Quick Shortcuts, click Email Accounts, it will redirect you to cPanel > Email section.
  4. Or on Quick Create Email Account section, input the username and password of Email. 
  5. Click Create.
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